A Dār ul-Iftā is an institution that provides Islamic legal opinions (fatāwa) to address various religious, social, and personal matters. These institutions play a crucial role in interpreting Islamic law and guiding individuals on matters such as prayer, fasting, marriage, and financial transactions. Remember that each Dār ul-Iftā may have its own scholars and methodologies for issuing fatāwa, and their opinions can vary based on the context and interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence. Our Dār-ul-Iftā is based on the research and teaching of Mujaddid-e-Azam Hazrat Allama Maulana Shah Ahmad Raza Khan Qadri (Radi Allahu anhu).
We as a non-profit organization are established to address contemporary issues and provide balanced solutions to the challenges of the Ummah in all aspects of life whilst preserving, protecting and upholding the Shariah (Islamic Legal Code) in accords to the Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamā’ah.
For any legal issue or case, send us an email with the evidence, your full name, address, city, country, and WhatsApp number. We will reach you if the issue is equipped enough to work on it.